Mourning Dove
Zenaida macroura
Synopsis: Nests throughout the state except in highest mountains and along northern and central coast.

Habitat Associations:
Northeast Modified Grassland (963622 acres)
Edges of Cropland/Pasture/Orchard (6398789 acres)
Streamside/Wetland Shrubland (2171 acres)
Ponderosa Pine-dominant Mixed Conifer Forest (426771 acres)
W. Juniper Woodland (3706742 acres)
Mountain Mahogany Shrubland (1378 acres)
Sagebrush Steppe (5230943 acres)
Northeast Canyon Grass & Shrubland (404694 acres)
Urban/Residential (589128 acres)
Douglas Fir/White Oak Forest (196688 acres)
Ponderosa Pine/White Oak Forest & Woodland (163195 acres)
Ponderosa Pine-W. Juniper Woodland (201479 acres)
Aspen Groves (22267 acres)
White Oak Forest (115577 acres)
Salt Desert Scrub Shrubland (557437 acres)
Big Sagebrush Shrubland (11850498 acres)
Bitterbrush-Big Sagebrush Shrubland (153185 acres)
Grassland & Fir-Ponderosa Interspersed (382224 acres)
Edges of Recently Cutover/Burnt Forest (1557713 acres)
Seasonally Wet Playa (128054 acres)
Lake/Pond Shoreline & Islands (702175 acres)
Western Oregon Riverine Woodland (27749 acres)
Edges of Freshwater Marsh (19121 acres)
Jeffery Pine Forest/Woodland (43131 acres)
Conifer Woodland on Serpentine Bedrock (50403 acres)
Coastal Lodgepole Forest (537 acres)
Douglas Fir-Mixed Deciduous Forest (2934 acres)
Douglas Fir-White Fir/Tanoak-Madrone Mixed Forest (1006633 acres)
Ponderosa Pine Forest/Woodland (4550274 acres)
Siskiyou Mtns Mixed Deciduous Forest (197236 acres)
South coast Mixed Forest (2888 acres)
Siskiyou Mtns Shrubland on Serpentine Bedrock (21829 acres)
Manzanita-dominant Shrubland (15410 acres)
Low-Dwarf Sagebrush (421760 acres)
Coastal Dunes & Ponds with Widely Scattered Shrubs/Trees (43276 acres)

Relative Detectability: Easy to detect by sight and sound, but fairly difficult to confirm nesting.

Challenge: Determine extent of breeding in southern and High Cascades.